When you meet with your member of the Clergy, he will guide you through the steps and paperwork needed to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony. They include:
- Form A: This is filled out with the member of the Clergy.
- Form B
- VMI or RMI Completion (VMI is for couples only married to each other. RMI is for couples where one or both were previously Married to others.)
- Marriage Prep Certificate of Completion
- Watch the Required Videos
- Dispensation or Permission for the Marriage, if necessary. This is used when a Catholic marries a non-Catholic, or a soon-to-be Catholic, among other reasons.
- Baptismal Certificates copies, issued within six months of date of Wedding
- Marriage License copy. It should be a year+ since a civil marriage.
- Letter of permission from Catholic pastor if not a parishioner of St. Stephen
- For previous Marriages, certified copy of death certificate, or a copy of Decree of Nullity issued by a church tribunal.