We are so happy that you have decided to make St. Stephen Catholic Parish your spiritual home. We are delighted to accompany you on this journey of faith.
New parishioners are welcome to register in-person at our Parish Office Monday – Thursday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m and Friday between 9:00 a.m. and Noon. We look forward to welcoming you to the parish and assisting you in making this your spiritual home. We kindly ask that you complete the New Parishioner Registration located below. We invite you to bring your completed registration form with you to register in-person or you may email it to our Parish Office at Staff_Liturgy@ststephencatholic.org you can bring the form with you to register in-person or you are If you have any additional questions, we welcome you to contact our Parish Office at 813-689-4900.
Why Should I Register? Registration is an important commitment to the parish community, allowing you to plant roots here at St. Stephen’s, and more fully enter the religious, social, and sacramental life of the parish. It also helps us minister more effectively to you and your family and is necessary for those who are planning to marry, have a child baptized, and is part of the requirement for sponsorship for the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. Mass attendance is verified by the usage of assigned offertory envelopes.
Many of you may believe you are a registered member of St. Stephen Parish because you attend Mass here. However, if you have not stopped by the office or gone online to fill out a registration form, and are not receiving and regularly using contribution envelopes, it is likely we do not have a record of your parish membership.
Newly married couples who remain at St. Stephen Parish must register as a new family. Young adults are also encouraged to confirm their independent Church membership as they begin life on their own. If you are returning to St. Stephen’s after being away for a while, welcome home! Call us or visit the office so we can ensure you are still registered as an active parishioner. St. Stephen continues to change and grow, and we are excited for what the Lord has in store for our parish, and for you! Please stop by the parish office during business hours or complete the online form by clicking on the button below to register as a member of St. Stephen Parish. We look forward to welcoming you to your spiritual home!